Video Diaries from Mom and Dad

Video Diary Entries from Mom and Dad for Baby Emmalyn

14 Weeks - March 29, 2013
Your Heartbeat at 14 Weeks
April 1, 2013
Almost 20 Weeks - May 7, 2013
May 7 (2)

You're a GIRL!  We found out you were a girl on May 10, 2013, and told Grandma and Grandpa Sem that Mom would wear a pink shirt if you were a girl and a blue shirt if you were a boy.  You can hear the reaction to the pink shirt...I think the family was ready for a girl!
22 Weeks - May 25, 2013
24 Weeks - June 29, 2013
26 Weeks - June 21, 2013
 35 Weeks - August 27, 2013

Emmalyn's Nursery Tour!!

 38 Weeks!!  We are ready for you!!

Walking with Darlin' Three Days Before Due Date!

Walking Stairs with the Grandmas Trying to Induce Labor!!

Emmalyn Kicking!