Emmalyn's Nursery

Emmalyn's Nursery

Grandma Christy came to visit for almost a week in mid-July!  A HUGE THANK YOU to her for helping so much when it came to getting Emmalyn's nursery set up!  Daddy set up the crib and we bought the mattress, as well as diapers, a changing pad, all your toiletries, and Grandma Christy ('Darlin') painted a family tree on your nursery wall!  The only thing missing, baby Emmalyn, is YOU!  Good thing we got this all set up...we had houseguests come and stay in your room three days after we got it all set up, and they stayed until late August!
Getting it all figured out...



Pictures on family tree:  Grandma and Grandpa Sem (Papa and Darlin'), Grant Grandparents Bomma and Bobo, Mom and Dad (at our GA reception), Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds.