January 2014

Happy New Year!!

January 2014

Emmalyn was so excited for 2014!  We spent the evening with friends (Grant's boss and his wife and kids) and enjoyed a nice, quiet New Year's Eve!

It's Party Time!

Girl Gone Wiiiiiiild!!!!  Watch that bird you're flipping there, girlie!

Happy New Year.  Bah.  Humbug. :)

Happy New Year!

Playing with Toys...so smart!

Happy Baby!


Oh. My. Gosh.  Just darling.

Visiting an old co-worker of Mommy's at the Missoula County Fairgrounds!  Hi, Jeri!


Emmalyn is NOT a morning person.  :)

Passed out on Dad!  Again!

HA! January 2, 2014

Taking down Christmas decorations...and I updated the photos in our ornaments!

Thank you to my helpers...helping me take down the Christmas decor!

The girls in our animal prints!

Getting bigger!

Enjoying her Christmas gifts from family!  Bibi made the blanket, and Bomma got her her FIRST DOLL!! And she's going, going...

Gone. :)

Oh, I love my dolly!

Thank you, Uncle Josh and Aunt Lea, for my great outfit!  Aunt Lea got my clothes and Uncle Josh crocheted my amazing hat!

Passed out with Daddy

Emmalyn's new Year's resolution is to do a better job of multi-tasking; sucking on her fingers while picking her nose at the same time!!

On our way up to Lolo Hot Springs to see The Moores!  Emmalyn made it to within a few miles of the Idaho border...but still hasn't been out of MT! January 3, 2014

The boys and their babes at Lolo Hot Springs!
Grant, Emmalyn, Candler (3), Andrew and Seamus (11 months)!


BIG BABY!  January 5, 2014

Sittin' up in her Bumbo chair!

Look how cute my feetsies are! And my sparkly pants!

Pretty lady!

And we're graduating from size 2 to size 3 diapers!  WOW.  January 5, 2014

How is Mommy supposed to sleep with this gorgeous face staring at me through the crib bars?!  

Playdate with Carter!  January 6, 2014
Plus...Emmalyn is officially 14 weeks old!

Mommy and Me Swim Class!  January 6, 2014
Emmalyn LOVES the water.  She floated on her back almost all by herself.  All mommy had to do was hold her hands!  She got dunked for the first time, too!  Total water baby!

Why so sad?!

Emmalyn is playing with her toys like a big girl!!  January 7, 2014

Go Dawgs!

Spending Time Celebrating the New Year with Darlin' in Great Falls (Papa is there, too!) January 8, 2014

There's Papa!

 Aunt Jami and Cousin Axcel were in Great Falls that weekend, too!  Emmalyn got to spend some family time with them!

Cousins :)

Emmalyn sleeping at Papa and Darlin's House January 9, 2014

...and then she gets sleep bombed by her daddy!!!

Dad said "Emmalyn was mad her Uncle Cameron wasn't picking up..."

And now it's time for our friend Ronnie Jensen's (Amanda and Ron Jensen) First Birthday!  What a fun day!  January 9, 2013

Grabbing a Toy!

Trying Ice Cream at Ronnie's Birthday Party!

Conked Out!

Darlin' giving you your bottle before bed!

 Story Time with Mommy...in the chair Great Grandma Wanda was rocked in when she was a baby!

Papa and Mom playing around with the projector downstairs after Emmalyn fell asleep!

Good Morning, Sunshine!  January 10, 2014

The Handoff.. :)

Back in Missoula! January 11, 2014

My pants won't button!

Tummy Time!

Look at that Scratch!

Someone Keeps Trying to Sit up on her Own!!

Dr. Braak (spelling?), the doctor who delivered Emmalyn, was a HUGE fan of Breaking Bad (a very popular TV show).  Emmalyn decided to arrive on the evening of the SERIES finale.  We enjoyed talking to her quite a bit about the plot and characters, etc., as we waited for Emmalyn to be born.  We felt very bad that she had to miss the finale, so we brought her some "Breaking Bad Cookies" as a thank you. :)

Emmalyn and Mommy

Look at that BUTT!!! So cute.

 Hanging out with Maci over at Carter's House.  January 13, 2014

My pants won't button again...

Trying out Carter's Jumperoo!

 First Sleepover!

 Precious Friends!  Carter was born 23 hours after Emmalyn!
Daddy dressed Emmalyn for Mommy and Me Swim Class!  January 13, 2014

Playing on the floor in the nursery while Mom catches up on some sleep... January 14, 2014

Look at that hair swirl!


You can't tell here, but she thought this was pretty funny.  One of the grossest diapers I had encountered to date.  She just giggled when I gagged!  January 15, 2014

...and after that diaper, it's bath time AGAIN!

The Many Faces of our Emmie... January 16, 2014

Mom made a new Burlap Wreath!

Breastfeeding...so sweet!

 Big girl wants to hold her bottle on her own!!  January 16, 2014

Mommy and Emmalyn went to the Mall with some Friends!

 Ooh!  Look what we came home with!!

 Allie and Josh Hocking bought Emmalyn a Sophie Giraffe for teething.  She officially had a new favorite toy the second we gave it to her!!! January 18, 2014

Trigger got a new toy (and a new bed), too!

Mom's Attempt at Artsy Fartsy

Guess What?!  Emmalyn Slept Through the Night!!!  9 Hours Straight!  Well-rested on the morning of January 19, 2014


Carter and Emmalyn in the jogging stroller!  On a 'jog' with the mommies!

Beautiful Day!!!

Look Who's HUGE!! January 20, 2014

Someone Fell Asleep ON the Changing Table!! Tired Girl!

The Sound of Laughter!

 GORGEOUS dress from Annette Morrow, Grant's former Boss at Best Buy.  Her mother made this dress BY HAND and it was the last dress she made before she had to quit due to arthritis.  What an INCREDIBLE dress!!!

At a Mom Group with Mommy.  January 21, 2014

Look at all the Kiddos!!!

With Mommy and Daddy's Friends!  So Happy!  January 22, 2014

 Daddy's Little Bunny

Trigger Loves His BABY!

Oh, Dad...

I turned around to do dishes for ten seconds, and this happens!  Emmalyn thought this was FUNNY! January 23, 2014

Mom bought Emmalyn her first toothbrush and toothpaste!  Big girl has teeth, so we've gotta start brushing them! January 26, 2014

SOOO close to rolling over!  January 27, 2014

Hi, Bright Eyes!  January 28, 2014

One Day I'll Eat Food Here...

Oh.  My.  Rolls.  January 28, 2014

In Georgia, some kids/teachers and adults alike had to stay at school/work overnight because of panic at some snow that had fallen.  Cars were abandoned on the highways, all you-know-what broke loose.  Meanwhile, Grant 'sweeps' snow off of our front walk in shorts and a tank top.  Hmmmm... January 29, 2014

Another Big Scratch on my Face!!  But I'm OKAY!!  Look at my TEETH! January 30, 2014

SNOW DAY!!! January 31, 2014

Someone was SAD after her shots at her 4-Month Doctor Visit!! :( January 31, 2014

Trying to Sit Up...Can't Sit Still!!  January 31, 2014

More Throwback Pictures...

Great-Grandma Jean!

Who looks JUST like her Grandma?!  Emmalyn!  This is Grandma Christy when she was a baby.  Awwww!

Grandma Christy's 6th Birthday!