January 2015

2015 brought a LOT of changes to our little family...and quickly!  On January 1, we moved to Coeur d'Alene, ID for Grant's work.  We were so blessed to have Papa and Darlin' there to help us, as well as our friends Josh and Allie Hocking (with their little boy Lincoln, who is Emmie's friend!).  We loaded up the truck and left on New Year's Day after Mom and Dad went out to a New Year's Eve celebration at Burns Street Bistro on New Year's Eve (they gave us two FREE six-course meals as a thank you for how much Grant has supported them!).  We really enjoyed it, and it was a great 'last hoorah' in Missoula.

We arrived in Coeur d'Alene at our new house late in the evening on the first, and unloaded everything into the garage in no time, thanks to all our help!  It only took Mom about 5 days to get everything unpacked and get the house in order!  Nesting at its best...

We are excited to see what Coeur d'Alene has in store for us, and can't wait to see BOTH our children blossom and grow in this city!

I have no clue why we didn't get any photos of us...oh well!

Allie and Lincoln after they helped us get unpacked at the new house!

Moving is tough.  Thanks, Papa, for all your hard work!

Taking a shopping break with Darlin'

Big Kisses!

Papa and Darlin' left on Jan 3rd.  :(

We're going to miss you!!!

Pants falling down, watching Daddy shovel snow.  It snowed for the first several days we were in Coeur d'Alene!

Video chatting with Papa and Darlin'!

Emmie likes her new battttthhhhh!

Look at how long that hair is getting!  Beautiful girl!  Jan 5, 2015


Daddy likes to run around and play tag/hide and go seek with Emmie

Teaching her at a young age that it's fun to clean!

Peanut butter face!

On January 8, 2015, Emmie had her 15-month well-child doctor visit with her new pediarrician, Dr. Riley!  She really liked her (the nurse who gave her the 4 shots?  Not so much).

Video chatting with cousins Gage and Axcel (and Uncle Dusty and Aunt Jami!)!  January 8, 2015

Video chatting with Carter!  We miss you, Friend!

Allie and Lincoln came to visit!!!!!!!!!

Emmie wanted to wear her tutu several days in a row.  Too cute to say no!!!  Oh, and Momma's boots were tried on a few times, too!

Just strolling around Best Buy, shopping for TV's and yelling "Daddy?!"  No biggie.  :)  1/18/15

Napping on Daddy...shopping took it out of her!

...then napping on Momma!  Can you tell I love this?!

This lake/beach on Hayden Lake is only a five minute drive from our new house!  How beautiful!

Momma and Emmie went to the Spokane Valley Mall and Momma forgot the stroller!  So, we got to cruise around in this.  Emmie liked it.  :)

Shopping can take it outta ya!

Emmie is now posing with Trigger whenever you ask her to...she'll lay on him/lean on him and say "Cheeeeeeeseeee!"  Poor Trigger doesn't like it.  But he tolerates it.  Maybe soon he'll start to enjoy his baby!

Darlin' sent me this picture of the blanket and elephant (she made two) she made for Pierce!  So cute!


"I love fabrics and Crafts!!"  January 22, 2015

Emmalyn wasn't sure what she thought about this moving toy at the mall.  She squatted, and didn't sit, and never cracked a smile!


Crazy hair day.  January 23, 2015

Pickin' Her Seat!!!

Daddy brushes Emmalyn's Hair

Emmie loves wearing her fairy wings!!!

You know, just shopping at Best Buy with her gaudy sequin-ey dog purse.  She loves it.  :)

Grant testing out a desk he is buying for work!  Working from home is fun!

Momma's TUMMY!!!!!  32 Weeks

Church for the first time since we moved!!!  We went to Real Life Church in Post Falls and LOVED it!!  Emmie went to the kids' room and we worried the whole time.  She did wonderfully though. :)

New desk!!

On January 26th when we were on our way to our maternity/family photos, we were hit by an uninsured driver.  :(  Everyone was okay, but SO not a fun thing to have happen!!

Poor truck :(

Emmie reading!

"Book Babies" at the Hayden Public Library!  January 27, 2015

Someone mentioned to Darlin' that this picture of Emmie looked like Boo from Monsters, Inc.  I agree :)

LOVE this photo.  Relaxing with Daddy.  January 27, 2015

Putting her bin (for her toys in the car) on her head!  Silly lady.

Playing at the Spokane Valley Mall!  Showing off her tutu.  January 28, 2015

Keeping up with the big kids!

Emmie is excited to read the journal her mom and the rest of her family writes in for her someday!

Exploring Huckleberry Hollow, an indoor playground at the local Rec Center!

The Geek Squad's BEST Advertisement EVER! January 29, 2015

Book Babies at the Coeur d'Alene Library :)  Bubbles!

Momma made friends!!  Taking a walk by the water near the library.  January 30, 2015

Listening to/watching music videos with Momma and Daddy!  Emmie's new favorite song: "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" by Whitney Houston.  Great taste, Little One!!

DIVA.  January 31, 2015