June 2015

June 2015

Well, we moved again!  Early June brought a LOT of changes in our family! 
Nana Shelley, Auntie Jami and Cousin Axcel came through town to meet Pierce, and Papa and Darlin' came through town on their way to their first CRUISE!  They went all the way to Alaska, and brought back some amazing pictures and gifts for us all. 
Then, on June 7, we moved across Washington state (we were right on the border in Idaho before) to Lacey, Washington.  It's almost the end of our first month here and we've already started to enjoy our neighborhood parks, neighbors, local amenities and Momma's made TWO Friends! :)

Darlin' helped us move...and we don't want her to leave!

New House!  June 8, 2015

Dropping Darlin' off at the Airport.  Momma wanted to cry!!

Our first bath in our new house!

Our Little Cabbage Patch Baby!

We kept Emmie busy by letting her color on the boxes!!!

New park...with Mount Rainier in the background!

Some boxes are MUCH more fun to open than others!

Emmie put a diaper on her baby :)

Pierce is trying to stand on his own!

Graduating to a size 2 (soon to be a size 3) diaper!

Taking the kids to see the ocean for the first time!!!!

Emmie loved the ocean!

The 2015 US Open was at Chambers Bay...right near our house!  So Grant went to go watch one of the practice rounds!

We met some new friends in DuPont...Marlen Lepik and her kids.  Momma knew a friend of hers from high school, so we connected on Facebook and have had play dates!

Fun day at the Seattle Aquarium with Jenn Bjelland and Avery! (Momma and Emmie and Pierce) June 19, 2015

Emmie liked reading the books at the exhibits!