May 2015

May 2015

 May of 2015 brought another big life change for our little family!  As if having another member recently added to the mix wasn't change enough, Grant had the opportunity to apply for a new position with Best Buy/Geek Squad and we ACCEPTED IT! Wee took a house hunting trip to the Seattle area from May 7-11 (Best Buy paid for it!) and looked around all the Seattle suburbs to see what area we liked best.  Momma liked a place called Lacey, which is outside of Olympia, and we found an amazing house there that will be TWICE the size of our current house!  It is also VERY close to the Amtrak station, so we are hoping Papa and Darlin' will visit LOTS.
We are excited to see what this new chapter of our lives will bring!

What a beauty :)

Playing with bark...with Cora!


Poor Emmett!

We found out Grant was accepted in a new we have to move from our beautiful little house.  So sad!

House Hunting trip to the Seattle area!  The kids were actually really good!!

Guess who got to drive part of the way to Seattle?!  Just kidding ;)

At our hotel in Seattle!  We got a suite so Emmie could have her own room to sleep in!


Can you see Mount Rainier?!

Our Kiddos :)  So sweet!

Mother's Day Breakfast at the hotel!!!  Our house hunting trip just happened to fall on the weekend of Mother's Day!


Our days in the Seattle area (we were there Thursday through Monday) consisted of a LOT of stops at parks for Emmie Boo!

And....this will be Emmie's new park!!!  Horizon Pointe Park in Lacey, WA.  Can you see Mount Rainier?!

All tuckered out in the car!

We stopped and spent our last night with Jenn and Jason Bjelland (Grant's boss and his family).   Pierce likes bean bags!

After LOTS of searching, HERE IS OUR NEW HOUSE!!!!


Pierce's Birth Announcements!  Finally got them ordered!

Picnic at the park with Momma and Pierce!

Carter and Gwenie came to Coeur d'Alene to visit!!!!

Papa and Darlin' sent me this photo!  Dusty, Jami and the boys came to visit Great Falls and they had a fun '20s themed wedding to go to!

Bed Head :)

Oh my :)

Daddy left for Orlando from May 18-23 to learn about his new job, so Momma took Emmie and Pierce to MONTANA!!!!!

Pit stop in Missoula on the way to Great Falls!

Special time with Papa and Darlin' in Great Falls!

CABIN!!!!!  Emmie loved the BIG 'BATH'!!

Amanda Jensen (Steffani) came with Ronnie to see us!!!  They had FUN and Ronnie gave Emmie a nice big KISS, after which Emmie yelled 'YAAAAAAY!!!'

We got Momma's old Barbies out!!!!!!  Emmie likes them :)

...and some THROWBACKS of MOMMA!!!