April 2015

April 2015

Adjusting to being a family of FOUR!
Darlin' stayed in town until April 11, since Daddy was planning on being out of town for work for two trips in early April (and Momma needed the help as she adjusted to having two kiddos)!  We were SO happy to have her at home with us, and Emmie got REALLY attached!!

Learning about brother!

Snow...in April!

Our BIG, BEAUTIFUL, HAPPY (or not so much?) GIRL!!

I asked Emmie to spell her name (she had access to ALL THE LETTERS) and she did this with VERY LITTLE help!!!  Genius!!

Fun afternoon walking date with Meagan and Cora!

Emmie loves her brother!

Took this just as he was starting to spit up.  So funny!!!

Someone's got something in her pants...ick!!

Eating clean for the week!! 

He is looking so big!! And so blonde!!! April 16, 2015

We had brunch with the Moores when they came through town on their way back to Montana! :)  April 23, 2015

Officially a daddy of two :)

Emmalyn and Candler!

Mommy and her BESTIE!!  I feel so blessed to have this little girl in my life!

Pierce had tummy time...so Emmie wanted tummy time!


"Excuse Me" is "Minnie!!"



Pierce is one month old today!  Momma and Pierce went hiking with a few of Momma's friends!  By Beauty Bay in Coeur d'Alene Lake.  March 26, 2015.

Our big one month old boy!

"Mow mow!"

Fun day at the park in downtown Coeur d'Alene!

Someone poopied in his pants and it got all over his outfit...

Besties :)

Playing at the park with Cora!

Momma was gone for about 15 minutes...to pick up a take and bake pizza.  :)

April 30...Momma braves the grocery store ALONE with BOTH kids!  She was nervous the whole time that one or both of them would have a meltdown, but it was (amazingly) a tear-free trip!!!!