December 2014

December 2014

Somebody was Teething and Didn't Feel Well...Momma Felt Bad for Her...but Secretly Enjoyed the CUDDLES!!!!! December 1, 2014

Went to the Doctor for Emmie's Sniffles and Fever...just TEETHING!! :(  But she Enjoyed the Snow!!

Teaching her YOUNG!

Reading 'Amma' (a book from Papa and Darlin' named 'Emmalyn') with Daddy!  December 2, 2014

With Landon...Emmie will miss him!
"Mommy's Little Present".  Too funny.

Watching the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at Rockefeller Center with Daddy!  December 3, 2014

First Ponytail...looked weird, so we are holding off for a while.  :)

Over at Landon and Jesse's...

Someone was TIRED when we got home.  

...and didn't even wake up when I changed her diaper!

So...Momma's 30th Birthday was on December 6, 2014.  She THOUGHT she had lunch plans with her friend Amanda, but...she got there and there were six friends, lots of kiddos, and DARLIN'!!!  She had made up an elaborate lie about singing in the Great Falls Symphonic Choir concert (something they have done every year for 16 years), but she and Papa decided it was too important a birthday to miss!  We had an amazing brunch date with friends, and then went home to spend the evening with Papa and Daddy, too.  We all went out to dinner, and then Daddy took Momma out to the third Hunger Games movie while Papa and Darlin' watched the peacefully sleeping Emmie.  What a way to celebrate the big 3-0!  A fun birthday!!

Momma's Facebook Status at the end of her birthday:
"I am so grateful and, quite honestly, in awe of my life as I celebrate my 30th birthday. A BIG THANK YOU to my amazing family and friends who are not only there for me daily, but have gone out of their way to ensure I felt loved and appreciated today. I have been blessed beyond measure in the 30 years I have been on this earth, and this milestone birthday has helped me to take a step back and see how much I have accomplished thus far, and made clearer just how close I am to the person I had hoped to be by now. I have so much to be thankful for! I choose to believe the research that indicates that the 30s are the beginning of the best time in life...I know who I am, I have great family and friends by my side, and (amazingly) the best is yet to be! Bring it on, thirties!!!! Grant Reynolds, you are the best. Period."

Birthday Flowers from Allie :)

Birthday Roses from Daddy!

Emmie didn't quite make it through the whole ride to dinner...and slept through most of it! she's up :)

30th Birthday Dinner for Momma!

We HAD to take Emmie to see Santa while Papa and Darlin' were in Town!!!  December 7, 2014

Family Photo at the Mall!

Momma went out shopping with her friend...she doesn't get out much! :)  (Don't worry, she knows she is pregnant and this is sparkling water imported from Italy that she bought at Import Market!).

"Emmie, where is your belly button?"

Santa Hat!

Emmie Likes to Make a Mess...

Admiring the Christmas Tree!

Emmie was mad that her Daddy wasn't answering.  He was out of town for work.  :( December 11, 2014

Breakfast date with Momma!!  December 12, 2014

Daddy was out of town for work (he already started his new job even though we haven't moved yet!), so Emmie and Momma went to Great Falls for the weekend to see Papa and Darlin'!  Gage and Axcel were there with Aunt Jami for the first day, so we spent some fun cousin time at the trampoline park and then went to look at Christmas Lights!

Emmie did surprisingly well on the trampolines, considering she had only been walking for about a month and a half!!

Oh, Emmie :)  December 13, 2014

Cousin Gage is SO good with Emmie.  He loves her and is very sweet.

Emmie FINALLY came to Papa and enjoyed some time on his lap.  She had gotten very shy with him, but started warming up again.  :)

In Momma's old Rocking Chair!  December 15, 2014

Playing with Momma's old toys!

Emmie is helping to decorate Papa and Darlin's tree, too!!!!

Putting up a nativity on Papa and Darlin's window.  Emmie started calling Darlin' 'Cookie' on this trip and their cat, Cleo, 'Paco'.  Hmmmm...

"I don't have time for pants!  I just found Santa's hiding spot!"  December 16, 2014

Emmie had the beginnings of a diaper rash.  Momma wanted to 'air it out'.  This was our solution.  Pretty great, huh?!  December 18, 2014

"Santa's Little Helper"

Silly Lady

We had a fun day/afternoon with Carter in late December to say goodbye.  :*(

Dinner with Lincoln!

Helpin' with her new Vacuum she got from Pap and Darlin' for Christmas (Christmas photos on other page)

Starting to pack for our move to Idaho!

Papa and Darlin' came on December 30 to help us pack up the house and move to Idaho!