March 2015

March 2015

We can't believe Pierce will be here this month!!!  How time flies!!!

Emmie is trying out Pierce's car seat for him...after all, it used to be hers!  Can't believe how big our baby girl has gotten.

Emmie liked it when Darlin' rocked her in Pierce's car seat!  She almost fell asleep!

Emmie got her first fat lip!!  Poor baby!!!  She was running down the hall to bring Daddy his water bottle and didn't realize how heavy it she toppled over!  She was brave though and her lip was back to normal the next day! :) 
March 3, 2015

Emmie's eyes look greenish with blue on the outside when she is in the sunlight!


Pedicure in anticipation of Pierce's birth!  So relaxing, and I got BLUE!

Taking a walk on the water...Coeur d'Alene Lake!

Sitting at the table at Calypsos Cafe with Mom and Darlin'.  What a big girl!!!  March 6, 2015

What a cute little couch at the cafe!

Someone was worn out after a full day of shopping!! March 6, 2015

Pierce's Room (and Daddy's office...and the guest room)!  Darlin' helped Momma SO much getting this ready for baby boy!

The weather started getting nice...and Emmie got to spend her first afternoon out in her new yard!!!!  March 7, 2015

What a CRAZY girl!  Look at that outfit!!  I posted some of these pictures on Facebook comparing them to the crazy scene in Ace Ventura!  She just looked and acted looney.

Sitting with Darlin' having some afternoon tea in the sun!

Nana Shelley came through town on March 9 and 10!  We went shopping all day on the 9th and Emmie was a tad tired before we went out to dinner.  She took a nap on Nana Shelley's bed at the hotel!

Out to dinner!  Looking at the koi pond in the restaurant!

Just looking beautiful...

Emmie is so proud that she put all these toys (in a store, mind you) in her stroller all by herself!  March 10, 2015

Nana Shelley bought Emmie a new dress with a TUTU bottom!!!  She loves her tutus...

...and princess shoes!

Such a fun time with Shelley and Darlin'!  Emmie was passed out in the back of the truck...

Darlin' bought Emmie some fun new dresses while she was visiting!  Doing some bird watching out the front window on the morning of March 11.

Bubbles with Momma!!

More coffee shop!  This time with our new friends, Meagan (mom's friend) and Cora (Emmie's friend, born a couple of weeks before her!).  

Emmie and Cora hanging out!

More park time!

At the park with a VERY pregnant Momma, March 11, 2015

Look!  Momma and Daddy got a new double stroller for Emmie and Pierce!

Pancakes!!  Such a big helper!  March 12, 2015

Mom and Darlin' went to the Home Show with Emmie in Spokane!

Oh.  My.  Gosh.  I look so huge!!!!!

Reading with Daddy.  March 14, 2015

Sunday morning, in bed with Momma and Daddy.  Such a crazy girl!


Just hanging out in the yard...with Darlin',... March 16, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!  Emmie is such a good luck charm!  
"When is my brother going to arrive?"

Momma is practicing using the double stroller (with Emmie's baby doll in the infant seat!).  She is a little crazy.  March 17, 2015

Papa's in town now!  No one can wait for this baby boy to arrive.  :)  
Emmie and Papa at the park, enjoying the chimes.  March 19, 2015

Emmie was being SO cuddly with Momma this night!  Momma ate it up!!!!  March 19, 2015
Play time at the park with Mom and Dad!  March 20, 2015

Gabby and Gubby sent hats for both Emmalyn and Pierce!  Emmie LOVES owls, so she is pretty excited!

Just cute.

Last daddy/daughter date before baby brother arrives!  They went to the indoor bounce house place. :) March 23, 2015

...their date tired them both out!

Happy 9th Birthday, Trigger!  March 23, 2015

Gettin' all gussied up because Bibi is coming tomorrow!!! March 24, 2015

Watching the same music videos daddy remembers from his childhood.  I think they were watching Dancin' on the Ceiling.  :)

Wet walk with Bibi!  Testing out the new double stroller again.  March 25, 2015

At the park with Momma and Darlin'...the night Pierce was born!  Momma started having contractions while we were at the park at around 6:30 or 7 pm.