Family Time With New Baby Emmalyn

Family Time With the New Baby...

Some beautiful photos of the amazing addition to the Sem/Reynolds families.  These pictures were taken in the first two weeks of her life.  What a blessing she is!

This one is one of our favorites...she is so wise!
One of our first 'family photos' :)

How exhausted do I look?!

Daddy :)

With Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds!

Grant: "She wanted her Daddy leg bassinet."  Okay then! :)
First Bath at the hospital...
My artsy fartsy shot of the new daddy...

Meeting her brother Trigger
Look what we came home to!


 Being a mommy is HARD!!!

Papa and Darlin' Time!!

World's BESTEST Grandma (and Mom!!)

With her wonderful Papa :)

With Grandpa AP!

With Grandmother Reynolds!

Proud Grandparents!
First Walk to the grocery store with Mom and Darlin' on 10/11/13

Bath Time!